We would like to thank all the amazing 12 delegations from Swiss universities and beyond for visiting swissnex China in April. We were honored to host and give in-depth presentations on China’s advancements in education, R&D, tech innovation and startups while introducing various examples from the Chinese eco-systems and from swissnex’ broad palette of activities.
The delegations included the ETH Zurich Study Tour on ‘How to do business in China’; the HEAD - Genève, Geneva School of Art and Design delegation; the Future of Money Fintech panelists on ‘AI in WealthTech’; High School delegation from Kanton Aargau; University of St. Gallen Logistics Management's 'Shanghai Study Module'; HFW Bern; Insight China from University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW; EMBA School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR); Nursing students from HESAV Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud; HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil; Executive MBA HSG - University of St.Gallen - Universität St.Gallen - Hochschule für Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften Showcase Page; and the Fernfachhochschule Schweiz delegation.