April Sees 12 Delegation Visits from Swiss Universities and Beyond

We would like to thank all the amazing 12 delegations from Swiss universities and beyond for visiting swissnex China in April. We were honored to host and give in-depth presentations on China’s advancements in education, R&D, tech innovation and startups while introducing various examples from the Chinese eco-systems and from swissnex’ broad palette of activities.


The delegations included the ETH Zurich Study Tour on ‘How to do business in China’; the HEAD - Genève, Geneva School of Art and Design delegation; the Future of Money Fintech panelists on ‘AI in WealthTech’; High School delegation from Kanton Aargau; University of St. Gallen Logistics Management's 'Shanghai Study Module'; HFW Bern; Insight China from University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW; EMBA School of Management Fribourg (HEG-FR); Nursing students from HESAV Haute Ecole de Santé Vaud; HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil; Executive MBA HSG - University of St.Gallen - Universität St.Gallen - Hochschule für Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Sozialwissenschaften Showcase Page; and the Fernfachhochschule Schweiz delegation.