Zentrum für Produktentwicklung, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (HSR), visited swissnex China

April 25, 2018

By Xu Yuzhuo, Junior Project Leader Academic Relations

On April 24, 28 bachelor students from HSR Switzerland visited swissnex China. Felix Moesner, CEO of swissnex China, welcomed the delegation and gave a presentation about our activities.


Then Quentin Gigon, Junior Project Leader Innovation and Entrepreneurship, introduced the current innovation landscape in China.


Quentin’s presentation was followed by a presentation held by Xu Yuzhuo, Junior Project Leader Academic Relations, who informed the students about WeChat.

It was a great pleasure having the delegation from Zentrum für Produktentwicklung, Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil and we wish them an interesting and successful trip in China!