Title: Ambassador Mauro Moruzzi, Head of swissnex network, State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI
by Quentin Charles Reyes, Junior Project Manager for Blockchain
Last Tuesday at Careum Zurich, swissnex China’s team was proud to have organized the annual event of the swissnex Network in collaboration with State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI, fostering ground-breaking discussions on the regulations, opportunities, threats and challenges surrounding the topic of Blockchain and offering a unique opportunity for the swissnex Swiss partners and Blockchain actors to meet the Swiss global network for education, research and innovation.
Photo: Dr. Felix Moesner, CEO swissnex China, gave the speech
Prof. Dr. Michael Hengartner, President, University of Zurich, gave the speech
During the day, top Blockchain guest speakers shared their views and insights over the current and future state of the Blockchain technology. With the swissnexDay’18, swissnex China organized it’s first event outside of China and we are very proud of the quality, the popularity and the positive reviews we received during and after the event from not only the other swissnex outposts but also from Swiss Blockchain entrepreneurs, academia and government officials.
Prof. Dr. Lino Guzzella, President, ETH Zurich
Daniel Haudenschild, CEO Swisscom Blockchain AG
Katherine Foster, Chief Strategy Officer, BLOC
Livio Ammeter, Legal and Policy Specialist Fintech Desk, Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA
We would like to thank our high-profile speakers: Ambassador Mauro Moruzzi (SERI); President Michael Hengartner (University of Zurich); President Lino Guzzella (ETH Zurich); Thomas Heiniger (Kanton Zürich); Katherine A. Foster (CSO, BLOC), Daniel Haudenschild (CEO, Swisscom Blockchain), Livio Luca Ammeter (FINMA), Olga Feldmeier (CEO, SMART VALOR), Sam Lee (Founder & CEO, Blockchain Global Limited), Thomas Puschmann (Swiss Fintech Innovations) and Alan Wunsche, MBA,CPA,CBP, (CTO, TokenFunder), and our panel moderator Olivia Chang (CNNMoney Switzerland).
We would also like to express our appreciation to our event partners University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, CNNMoney Switzerland, Crypto Valley Association and Careum Zurich for their strong support.
Panel Discussion