On August 3, a delegation from Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug (IFZ), organized by Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, together with the Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association (SECA), visited Shanghai on a study tour to explore and assess the prospect of further inclusion of Chinese banking and finance markets in the global markets. Dr. Felix Moesner, CEO of swissnex China and Science Consul, warmly welcomed the delegation and briefed the delegates on swissnex China’s FinTech activities and beyond.
Dr. Felix Moesner warmly welcomed the delegation and briefed them on the prospects of FinTech in China.
The 27 participants were headed by Prof. Maurice Richard H. Pedergnana, and are currently enrolled in a post-graduate program in Banking & Finance. The group of Swiss Bankers and Investors including Prof. Thomas Ankenbrand (who participated as panelist at swissnex China's 3rd edition of Future of Money: Blockchain in Finance in July 2018) were inspired by the tremendous importance of China in the world economy. The tour concluded with a relaxing networking session on the venue's rooftop bar.
The group was guided by Emmanuelle and Noémie from Swiss Centers China. Our heartfelt appreciation for the great collaboration!