From 30th May to 2nd June, Swiss leading companies and Swiss institutions in Shanghai gathered together in Huai Hai Zhong Road / Yan Dang Road, to present the Swiss Week for local Shanghai residents. The swissnex China booth located in the middle of the street, presenting education, science, research and technology of Switzerland, as well as the communications between two countries.
Though the weather was not exactly well for the first three days, we still received plenty of visitors. Most of them were particularly interested in what swissnex China does. As part of promotion of swissnex China, we invited them to follow us on Sina Weibo so that they can get information about future activities. We also rewarded our new followers some gifts in return, either a book or DVD about Swiss literature, design, science and technology, or some typical Swiss souvenirs. Some visitors happily posted photos taken with our members. Apart from this, some lucky visitors, especially the kids, had great fun experiencing Face Shift, a 3D facial movement capture device that can turn your face into vivid characters.
Besides our booth, the visitors also had a taste of Swiss food and products. Chocolates, cheese, candies and wines, few went home empty-handed. We hope everyone had a wonderful time with us, and now love Switzerland maybe a little bit more.