ETH Alumni Chapter Shanghai Event: The Causes of Air Pollution in China and Ways to Reduce It

By Jun Ma, Board member of ETH Alumni Shanghai Chapter

ETH Alumni Chapter Shanghai organised together with swissnex an alumni event on November 15th, 2019. Our Speaker, Dr. Li Yonghua, formal visiting scholar at ETH, analyzed the causes in aspect of energy consumption and ways to reduce it in China.

ETH Alumni Chapter Shanghai organizes every year several events for the more than 100 alumni living in Shanghai area. This time Dr. Li Yonghua, visiting scholar in 2004-2005 at ETH Zurich, now works as Professor at School of Energy and Power Engineering in North China Electric Power University, spoke on cause of air pollution in China and the ways to reduce it. Dr. Li’s research interests focus on theory and technology of combustion, energy-saving and emission-reduction and new energy utilization technology. The event was hold at swissnex China office and has attracted more than 30 alumni from ETH or other Swiss universities.

Dr. Li Yonghua giving a speech

Dr. Li Yonghua giving a speech

Dr Li’s speech consists of 3 chapters.

1. China’s resource per capita occupancy level is very low comparing to the world average level: the coal resource is 79% while natural gas and petroleum only 6.5% and 6.1%. As a consequent, the energy structure in 2016 (see the chart as below) shows that 62% energy in China was from coal, which is much more than the 28.1% in the world structure.

World and China Energy Structure

World and China Energy Structure

China's coal-based energy structure is determined by resources. China's resource reserves and consumption in 2016:

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As we know, except for coal all the other resources (natural gas, petroleum, water, nuclear) are very clean, they don’t emit air pollutants. In contrast with other countries, China has to use coal since coal is the only available energy resource for the rapidly increased energy demand, which means control of coal-fired emission is the key for environmental protection. Therefore, China has applied the strictest environmental protection standard in power industry in the world.  

Environmental Protection Standard

Environmental Protection Standard

The improvement in the last ten years is obvious, data released by the Ministry of Environmental Protection showed that in 2015, sulfur dioxide emissions from exhaust gases totalled 18.591 million tons, down 5.8% from the previous year. Nitrogen oxide emissions totalled 18.518 million tons, down 10.9% from the previous year. The soot emission was 15.38 million tons. Power pollution emissions accounted for less than 10% of total pollution. The emission per unit of coal power generation has reached the world advanced level and China's coal power efficiency is only slightly lower than Japan's, higher than Germany, the United States and other countries. But due to the huge base of coal consumption the total emissions are still very high, it could not be changed until new energy is applied.

2. Coal-fired generation is not the main source of pollution. In fact, for example, when we check sources of PM2.5 in Beijing, we see the coal-fire only makes 19% of the total pollution while automobile makes 25%, food industry 13% and outside transportation 19%. But Beijing has no coal-fired power plants; the coal is consumed by other industries.

Source of PM2.5 Beijing

Source of PM2.5 Beijing

Ways to reduce pollutions differ in every city and country, but it is difficult everywhere. Energy is an important pillar for the sustainable development of a country or society, but the use of energy will bring environmental pollution. At present, under the global climate change, the deterioration of ecological environment, as well as problems such as resource shortage, all countries in the world attach great importance to energy conservation and emission reduction. Sharing economy is a hot topic to make the city green, but it also brings safety issues. Moving industry out of the city could reduce industrial waste gas emission in the city, but it still remains. The accidents in Chernobyl nuclear power plant and Fukushinia Nuclear Power Plant urge people in the world to re-think nuclear energy. In Switzerland, all current new nuclear power plants will be closed after service.

3. From 2011 to 2040, the Science and technology research and development in China focuses on the clean and efficient utilization of coal (supercritical technology, IGCC, circulating fluidized bed, pollution control, etc.), improve the efficiency of the whole energy system (including the collection, conversion, utilization efficiency of terminal) (energy saving) and optimize the structure of energy (New energy). Ultra-low emission technologies for coal-fired power plants include: low-nitrogen combustion technology, SCR denitrification technology, high-efficiency wet desulfurization technology, wet dust removal technology, etc. After 2050, nuclear fusion, natural gas hydrate, space solar energy and hydrogenic energy could replace the current energy.

After the interesting speech we enjoyed very delicious Swiss style food sponsored by ETH and took a group photo with our most famous alumni, Albert Einstein.     

Group photo

Group photo

About the Author: Jun Ma studied at Department ITET from 1997-2003 and he is board member of ETH Alumni Shanghai Chapter since 2019. He owns a start-up company in China.

Visit to Archi-Union with ETH Zurich Researcher Rena Giesecke

By Percy Chen, Junior Project Manager Art-Science


ETH Zurich NCCR Digital Fabrication lab recently launched a joint program with Tonji University College of Architecture and Urban Planning (CAUP). On August 22, Tongji Professor Philip Yuan, founder of Archi-Union, gave a tour for ETH Zurich researcher Rena Giesecke, who just arrived in Shanghai for the “The Kind Stranger” UNArt exhibition. During the tour, Professor Yuan showcased various ongoing projects that not only embody pioneering computational design concepts but also utilize cutting-edge digital building technologies. Moreover, Professor Yuan went into depth on the building processes behind several projects, including inspirations, ideations, and executions.

Founded in 2003, Archi-Union Architects is a Shanghai-based architectural design firm that adheres to the combination of traditional Chinese culture and digital construction technology. Since then, it has already become a major voice in the already-…

Founded in 2003, Archi-Union Architects is a Shanghai-based architectural design firm that adheres to the combination of traditional Chinese culture and digital construction technology. Since then, it has already become a major voice in the already-distinctive contemporary Chinese architecture scene. The studio focuses on "parametric construction", "robot construction", and "green industrialization”, with past projects such as Linear House-Jiujiantang in Shanghai, Lanxi Curtilage in Chengdu, Taisheng Garden, Shangart Gallery on the West Bund, and much more.

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Professor Yuan and Rena, both of whom share extensive backgrounds in digital architecture, discussed the industrial trends, advanced methodologies, as well as their philosophy on aesthetics. Both agreed that with the current trends towards internet and artificial computing, a paradigm shift in the architecture scene is inevitable. The clash between traditional building methods and modern technologies in addition to the balance between cultural aesthetic and mechanical computation are two of the many ongoing debates among the current generation of architects.

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We would like to thank Professor Philip Yuan, researcher/artist Rena Giesecke, as well as Archi-Union Architects again for this rare insider look at the contemporary Chinese architecture scene.


Artist Rena Giesecke’s project - The Wax Drawing Machine - will be on display at the swissnex China supported exhibition “The Kind Stranger” at UNArt Center. The exhibition opens on 23 August 2019 and lasts until 20 October 2019.


For more details on the artist and the exhibition:


SWISS ALUMNI CHINA 2019 – Adding value and Connecting in Shanghai

By Gabriel Bishop, Junior Project Manager for Academic Relations

More than 3000 Alumni from about 25 Swiss Universities are currently based in China. Every year, swissnex China – officially representing all Swiss Public Universities in China – holds a gathering and offers a platform for this large community to connect.

SWISS ALUMNI CHINA 2019 took place on May 24 on the roof of the Museum of Contemporary Art, in the heart of Shanghai. This year’s edition was the biggest so far: over 270 guests from 23 Universities registered for the event, some of them travelling all the way from Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, Chengdu, as well as other cities for the occasion!


The night was once again the opportunity to share some fond memories from the times studying in Switzerland but also to engage with new members of the community. Indeed, the aim of the evening was to provide a quality setting for the Alumni to connect and strengthen the ties between them.

For this purpose, the networking reception was complemented with a job fair activity, offering a high-in-demand platform for exchanging job perspectives. swissnex China further gave the floor to the active Alumni Chapters in Shanghai. EHL, EPFL, ETH Zurich, HEC Lausanne and UZH shared the latest news and presented their activities. This was also a chance for the Alumni from the other universities to gather, thus paving the way for new chapters to be created. Our hope is that UniGE will set the pace and launch their chapter soon.

Dr. Felix Moesner, Science Consul & CEO at swissnex China, with the Chapters’ representatives.

Dr. Felix Moesner, Science Consul & CEO at swissnex China, with the Chapters’ representatives.

The success of SWISS ALUMNI CHINA reflects the excellence of Swiss Higher Education. It is always a pleasure to reunite with the exquisite group that the Swiss Alumni community is. The swissnex China Team would like to give a special thank to the chapters and to our generous sponsors, Lindt, Orange Garten, Ricola and swissmooh!

We look forward to seeing all of you again at SWISS ALUMNI CHINA 2020!!!

What the Alumni had to say:

"Great event, it brings me back to all the wonderful memories I have from when I studied in Switzerland"

"Brilliant event! Old connections met again through the night and I made new friends in the city"

"It is my first time attending the Swiss Alumni gathering and I am sure there will be many more in the future! Got to know nice people, which is the most valuable thing. Thanks a lot for the organization!"


Click here for more pictures

MAS ETH MTEC Delegation Explores China Business Landscape

By Gabriel Bishop, Junior Project Manager – Academic Relations

On March 11th, swissnex China had the pleasure of receiving 33 ETH Zurich MAS MTEC students, along with Prof. Stefano Brusoni, Xavier Mundet Ciriza, and Daniela Stocker.

Dr. Felix Moesner, Science Consul and CEO of swissnex China, welcomed the participants and introduced the higher education, research and innovation landscape in China. This was followed by an overview of the mission and activities of swissnex China.

Mr. Michael Lehmann, General Manager at sim (Selective International Management Shanghai), gave a lecture to the students, sharing his expertise on the many aspects of doing business in China. He presented the students with different practical cases that served as the base material for a workshop which they conducted throughout the week.

After having lunch all together in a nearby restaurant, the students split into smaller groups in order to work and reflect on the selected cases.

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The entire delegation returned to swissnex China on Friday, March 15th. On this occasion, the different groups from the delegations shared and debated their conclusions from the workshop. Their proposed solutions and models were inspired by the various visits and presentations from which they had benefited during the previous days.

Presentation of swissnex China by Dr.Felix Moesner

Presentation of swissnex China by Dr.Felix Moesner

The MAS ETH MTEC delegation with Michael Lehmann(left) and Dr. Felix Moesner(center)

The MAS ETH MTEC delegation with Michael Lehmann(left) and Dr. Felix Moesner(center)

Indeed, during the study trip, the delegation had the opportunity to visit different companies such as Bühler, Ctrip and Roche.

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One of our team members accompanied them on one of these visits, to the Ctrip headquarters in Soho. There, the participants were able to discover the operations of an innovative company in the field of online travel service. They received a presentation about the functioning of the company and its strategies both for the Chinese and on the international market. The visit was concluded by a enriching Q&A session.

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To wrap up this enlightening program, Mr. Olivier Zehnder, Consul General of Switzerland in Shanghai, invited the delegation for a networking reception at the Swiss Residence on Friday evening. They had the chance to connect with select members of the Swiss community residing in China, mainly from ETH Zurich alumni community in Shanghai, and the night was full of fruitful exchanges.

swissnex China was delighted to receive the delegation of the MAS ETH MTEC program, a team composed of dynamic professionals who came to China to acquire new perspectives, knowledge and strategies in the field of management, technology and economics. Thank you to Michael Lehmann, sim for his presentation as well as Prof. Stefano Brusoni, Xavier Mundet Ciriza and Daniela Stocker for the amazing pool of talents. We look forward to welcoming them again next year!

Mr. Olivier Zehnder, Consul General of Switzerland in Shanghai, welcoming the delegation at the Swiss Residence

Mr. Olivier Zehnder, Consul General of Switzerland in Shanghai, welcoming the delegation at the Swiss Residence

From Paris to Hong Kong by Bike: ETH Zurich Alumnus Basile Verhulst and the Story of his 18’000 km Journey

by Sacha Pantillon, Assistant Project Manager

On December 14, an ETH Zurich and EPFL Alumni gathering took place in the office of swissnex China which was organized by the ETH Zurich and EPFL Alumni Shanghai Chapters.

The topic of the event was “From Paris to Hong Kong by Bike”. Basile Verhulst shared the story of his 16-months and 18’000 km long bicycle journey from Paris to Hong Kong. The event started around 7pm with an opening speech delivered Zhang Xi (Head of the ETH Zurich Alumni Shanghai Chapter) and after that Basile held his presentation.

At the beginning, Basile did a small presentation about himself and how the idea was born. He then shared with us all the steps that he did for the preparation of the journey (for example: he bought a bike on ebay and several bike bags). He also showed us very interesting photos with all the things than he brought along for his trip, which was very little.

Next, he presented a very fascinating picture showing the countries he travelled through in different colors. This map was representing how difficult it is to be invited to the houses of local people. According to Basile, this is more difficult in Europe and the easiest places to be invited to people’s homes are the Middle-East and the West of Asia.


During his presentation, Basile told us some stories about the native people in different countries, about their culture, their language, and some funny facts. He mentioned that his two biggest problems during the trip were to find a place where he can put up his tent and to obtain the visas for the different countries. Finally, there was a Q&A session and a nice networking part with food provided by Geneva Catering.

A big thank you to Basil Verhulst for the presentation and his presence, to the ETH Zurich and EPFL Alumni Shanghai Chapters and also to everyone who joined the event! 

If you would like to know more about Basile’s journey, you can check out his website:

Swiss Alumni Gathering 2018 in Shanghai

By Priska Furrer, Junior Project Leader

On May 18, we had the pleasure of organizing a gathering for the alumni and current students of all Swiss universities living in China. We welcomed participants from Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Italian Switzerland (SUPSI), Zurich University of the Arts, University of Applied Sciences of Northwest Switzerland (FHNW), University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, University of Lucerne, University of Lugano, University of Neuchâtel, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), École Cantonale D'art De Lausanne (ECAL), The Graduate Institute, Geneva, University of Fribourg, University of Bern, University of Basel, École hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), University of Lausanne, University of Zurich, University of Geneva, University of St. Gallen, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), Les Roches & IFM and International Hotel and Tourism Training Institute Neuchâtel.


At 6 pm the first guests arrived, and our team started with the registration. Soon the venue started to fill up with people.


Around 7 pm our CEO, Felix Moesner, held a short speech in which he introduced the mission of swissnex China to everyone and he also briefly talked about the Swiss education system.


The event also sparked interest in people passing by the venue, Rose Garden, located in the heart of Shanghai.


We prepared goodie bags for all the attendees at the end of the evening, thanks to the support of our sponsors Lindt, Orange Garden, 17Hi, Switzerland Tourism and Cheers Wines.


We would like to thank everyone for coming to the gathering and we hope to see you again next year!

ETH Zurich Study Tour on ‘How to do business in China’

March 27, 2018

By Xu Yuzhuo, Junior Project Manager in academic relations


From March 19 to March 23, MAS ETH group(40 ppl), in which all participants are specialists and prospective managers with technical background and professional experience, stayed in Shanghai for one week study tour with focus on “How to do business in China”.

In the morning of 19th March, the group was warmly welcomed by Felix Moesner, CEO of swissnex China. He talked about the mission of swissnex in China, which includes tech scrutiny and trend spotting. The morning then continued with presentation from Ms. YE Mingya, Trade Promotion officer of Swiss Business Hub, on the topic of how to assist Swiss companies in doing business in China.  



In the afternoon, the group was split into two groups, one group visited XNode and the other one went to TechTemple. Xnode and TechTemple are well-developed accelerator/incubator for startups. ETH MAS group had opportunity to visit their high quality co-working space and exchange with startups based there.

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@TechTemple and Xnode

The ETH MAS group also visited Geek+’s smart warehouse in Kunshan. Geek+ is a fast grow startup established less than 4 years ago, which leads the technology revolution by advanced robotics and AI technologies to realize high-flexibility and intelligent logistics automation solution. The group learnt about how Geek+’s robots operate to realize a smart logistic process with reduced demand of manpower as well as the rapid development of Chinese smart logistics.




In the same afternoon, the ETH MAS group visited Swiss Center Shanghai, a non-profit organization serving the Swiss economy by providing adapted services for SME’s intending or entering the Chinese and Asia market. Ms. Emmanuelle Roduit, operation manager at SCS, gave an informative presentation on how Swiss Center operates in China. Then Mr. Joe Liu, managing director of Fraisa China, shared Fraisa’s experience in “conquering” China as a Swiss SME. In the evening, the group was invited to a reception at the residence of Mr. Alexander Hoffet, Consul General of Switzerland in Shanghai, which was also joined by external guests. The group was warmly welcomed by Mr.& Mrs. Hoffet and enjoyed a very delightful evening.  

@China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park

@China-Singapore Suzhou Industrial Park



The next day, the ETH MAS group took a day trip to Suzhou, where they visited Suzhou Industrial Park and GCL, the world’s champion manufacturer of high quality photovoltaic material located at Suzhou Industrial Park. 



After three days of visit, the group spent the fourth day at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) where they were joined by CEIBS students for a design thinking workshop, to put what they’ve learned and observed in the past days of the week into practice. During the day, the group also had the pleasure to welcome Mr. Nicolas Musy, who is the founder of Swiss Center China and learnt about “where is Chinese economy heading – Challenge and Opportunities” from Mr. Musy.

On the last day of the China trip, the ETH MAS team came back swissnex for a wrap-up session and final presentation of their work that they did at the workshop the day before. In the afternoon, they visited the art district in Shanghai to experience the artistic side of the city. 



This China study trip was a good opportunity for the group to learn about innovation in China and how startups and companies grow. swissnex China very much looks forward to welcoming the next ETH MAS MTEC class in 2019!