swissnex China partnered with IRGC in the context of an international conference and experts workshops on the theme of ‘From Crisis Management to Risk Governance’ from 9 to 11 January 2013 in Beijing organized jointly with Tsinghua University. The various workshops, seminars and lectures reached a large audience, with more than 200 participants from 15 countries, including representatives of governments, public sector agencies, academia, business and civil society.
Kai Kottenstede (2nd from left) co-moderated the event
The workshop co-organized by swissnex focused on food safety. Kai Kottenstede co-moderated the workshop and represented swissnex in an audience of more than 50 people composed of academic, business and government experts. The talks covered a wide range of aspects concerning food safety - from risk perception to different risk management systems. In the workshop academic, business and government perspectives were presented. A lively discussion took place after each of the main presentations.
Given the timeliness of the topic and the current network being established. swissnex plans to continue working with experts on this topic. A follow up workshop should take place before the end of the year.