This week, the follow-up conference of the first Stepping Stone Symposium on Cancer and Neuroscience in Zurich (June 2012) took place in Beijing.
The Stepping Stone Symposia are instruments within the bilateral framework of SSSTC, the Sino Swiss Science and Technology Cooperation. The goal of SSSTC is to strengthen the cooperation in science between our two countries and support joint research projects. The Stepping Stone Symposia provide an opportunity for Chinese and Swiss researchers to meet, discuss mutual research interests and possible joint research projects. For the latter a call for proposals will be launched early 2014.
Opening Ceremony of the Stepping Stone Symposium in Beijing
The Beijing conference of the Symposium was hosted by PUHSC, the Peking University Health Science Center and engaged in the topic of current research in Neuroscience and Cancer.
Swissnex hosted the first evening on October 14th, when the scientists had the opportunity to familiarize in an informal context. On October 15th, the Opening Ceremony took place with speeches of Mrs. Salome Meyer, Deputy Head of Mission of the Swiss Embassy and Prof. Yang Ke, Executive Vice President of Peking University and PUHSC.
The following two days, the approximately 18 Chinese and 25 Swiss attendees, had the chance to present their research and take part in discussions within either the Cancer or the Neuroscience sessions.
After the conferences in Beijing, the Swiss researchers travel to Shanghai and Hangzhou to participate in further conferences within the Stepping Stone Symposia.