Prof. Philippe Gillet, Provost and Vice President of EPFL made his first trip to China on January 4th. In Shanghai, together with swissnex Director Pascal Marmier, he visited Fudan University and Tongji University, with both EPFL has Memorandum of Understanding. Prof. Gillet exchanged views on MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) with Prof. Lu Fang, Vice President of Fudan, which is a new initiative for both universities. After the renewal of MoU, Prof. Gillet had a tour to State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics in Jiangwan campus of Fudan. The lab was led by Prof. Chen Zhanghai, who was granted Sino-Swiss Science & Technology Cooperation Programme (SSSTC) with EPFL professor. Prof. Gillet was then invited to lunch by Vice President Dong Qi of Tongji University. Life science and green construction is of particular interest as EPFL and Tongji are strong in these two subjects. The day was concluded by dinner with EPFL alumni in Shanghai.
(left) Pascal Marmier, Executive Director swissnex China and (right) Prof. Philippe Gillet, Vice President of EPFL