Asia-Pacific Briefing 2014 at EPFL, 22 October

The Asia-Pacific Briefing was organized for the purpose to discover the latest trends in science and technology in Asia-Pacific countries and share ideas for collaboration between Switzerland and these countries among speakers and audiences. This year, the Briefing was held on 22 October in EPFL, the ERI network, especially the Asia-Pacific-based Science and Technology counselors and swissnex CEOs had the chance to present the latest developments in their region regarding education, research and innovation to a group of researchers and entrepreneurs with various backgrounds.

Pascal Marmier, CEO of swissnex China was the moderator for the session. The speakers were:

  • INDIA: Indraneel Ghose, ST office New Delhi
  • SOUTH KOREA: Christian Schneider, ST Office Seoul
  • JAPAN: Matthias Frey, ST Office Tokyo
  • CHINA: Nektarios Palaskas, ST Office Beijing
  • SINGAPORE: Suzanne Hraba-Renevey, swissnex Singapore
  • AUSTRALIA: Mark Engler, ST Office Canberra

The session ended up with a networking part to make sure the audience could connect with the speakers and extend their network in China, India, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Australia.